October 29, 2018

Wise spending and planning

We have a great library, but that doesn’t guarantee that we always will. Preserving institutions takes work and thought. I’m prepared for both.

The library has been impeccably managed by both its staff and the board. But even those groups could not control the economic downturn a few years ago. At present, the library has little financial margin. If the proposed millage passes, the library will be on much sounder footing. Whether the millage passes or not, however, future spending must be prudent and aligned with the library’s priorities.

One way to achieve this is through consistency. The library has already implemented a strategic plan to take it through the year 2022. I believe remaining faithful to this plan will keep spending focused, predictable, and sustainable.

Continuing to listen to community members will also help in prioritizing spending. An engaged board that reaches out and listens to what residents want will result in spending that aligns with community values and avoids sunk costs in less-popular programs.

I’ve served on my share of committees and I know how to find consensus and keep a clear sight of the mission. If elected, I’ll work to ensure that library spending is focused and sensible.